Unsere Zuwendung

gilt Kindern mit Behinderung.


Das Gebet steht bei Timion am Anfang unseres Handelns. Wir glauben, dass Gebet die Kraft hat Lebensfreude und Hoffnung zu bringen.

Falls Sie ein behindertes Kind und ihre Familie im Gebet mittragen möchten, bitten wir Sie uns per Kontaktformular zu kontaktieren. 

15.11.2024 07:15:25

Day in the life of a CP child 💚 We had an amazing day at Alena’s Love Daycare where we had members from the community join us.  This was a wonderful opportunity to bring awareness on Cerebral Palsy and to involve the community 🌿💚

13.11.2024 11:13:20

Did you know? 👏🌿 We are on tender for the standing frames, adult standing frames and tray tables 🥳 We had an amazing time in the Western Cape at various hospitals and centres to do product training and demonstration 👩‍🏭👩‍🔧 Swipe until the end to see how we travel with our equipment!

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Erf 1656 Aston Bay
Dolphin drive
Aston Bay 6332
South Africa
Phone:  +2742 293 4296
Fax:  +2786 561 7173

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